Counselling For Parents

care for parents

What We do

Private Care for parents

The CRD Perinatal Counselling Program is a private mental health program that delivers funded counselling to eligible new and expecting parents in the Greater Victoria area. The Program is privately operated with thanks to the charitable dollars generously provided by local donors. The services we provide allows mothers and parents to access counselling when needed and beneficial in the formative perinatal period, and when they do not have resources for counselling.

Who We Serve

New & Expecting Parents

We provide counselling and therapy to pregnant and postpartum mothers and their partners when they need it and will benefit, but are otherwise unable to access these services.

As well, we provide perinatal grief and loss counselling when a major loss occurs in the perinatal period.

Babies change us in unexpected ways.
Why We do this work

Baby Care begins with parent Care

The services we provide promote a healthy start for families with new babies in our community by helping parents to address their mental health challenges when they appear or get triggered in the formative perinatal period.

We are here for you because we care about you and your whole family.

Who We are connected with

Primary Care Providers

We are connected with primary care providers in Greater Victoria who refer their eligible patients for counselling when the need arises.

This website is as much for the professionals who make referrals as it is for the new and expecting parents who receive our services.

We deliver mental health care for the parents you serve.
Image of ocean and forest in Greater Victoria

“Being a mother is learning about strengths you didn’t know you had and dealing with fears you didn’t know existed.”

— Linda Wooten, author of “A Mother’s Thoughts”